What do you do with the shavings and sawdust that come out of your dust collector? I use mine as mulch, usually, for trees and bushes in the yard. Keep in mind that anywhere you put sawdust on the ground, it will kill anything that tries to grow in that area. The reason is that […]

We’ve just published another great issue of Wood News Online. This month’s issue includes: Building a 3-Sided Farm Woodshed– Jon Rubin is known for over-engineering when it comes to his woodworking projects, and it was no different for his recent woodshed that he built on his farm. In this article, Jon discusses his over-engineering and his […]

No Southern-fried Southern boy wants to be called a Yankee, but we share the characteristics of shrewdness and thrift. Thus, each month we include a money-saving tip. It’s OK if you call me “cheap.” Wooden handles for foam paintbrushes have lots of uses, and we’ve extolled those uses before. Click here to revisit that post. […]

Everyone knows that a pilot hole in a piece of wood can be a game changer. Making a path for a screw might prevent your ruining an important piece of a project, a split in a board (especially at the end), a broken-off screw, or strained muscles from hand-driving a screw through dense wood fibers. […]
Sometimes I hear woodworkers talk about avoiding repair jobs around the house and it makes me wonder, “Aren’t most woodworkers also do-it-yourselfers?” My first introduction to woodworking was in Wood Shop class in junior high school. No one in our family worked in wood, built furniture, or anything remotely associated with what we call woodworking […]

Well, I just “binge watched” fourteen episodes of “The Woodwright’s Shop” and it was pretty spectacular. Roy Underhill has such an easy manner about him that he is almost able to make the show come alive, as if he is right in the room with you…. Oh wait, he was in the room. Bad jokes (dogwood, […]

This month, we’ve got a great new issue of The Highland Woodturner with 2 project ideas, some great woodturning tools, and more! This month’s issue includes: Turning Beads– Curtis Turner teaches us how to turn small beads that you can either use to keep strings together on a lanyard, or you can turn a bunch of them […]