“Set In Place” is the second “S” in 5S implementation. It encompasses the arrangement of tools and supplies in logical ways. But woodworkers who have taken a class with me and are utilizing the principles of 5S to make their shop time more efficient and fun know that we don’t just “Set In Place,” but […]
Magswitch has come up with new saw guides, feather boards and hold down jigs. I picked up a set at Highland and gave them a try. The system is designed in a series of pieces beginning with a Universal Base. The Base holds two very strong magnets which can be switched on and off by […]
If you’ve just started woodturning or you’ve been turning for most of your life, our March 2015 issue of The Highland Woodturner has a variety of projects, tips, and stories to motivate your craft. This month’s issue includes: My Favorite Tools and Accessories: Curtis Turner has been contributing to The Highland Woodturner for several years […]
Our March 2015 issue of Wood News Online is now available for reading and it is chock full of some great woodworking project ideas, safety tips, and advice. This month’s articles include: My Tell Tale Pyrography– Professor Nsir Malik discusses his passion for pyrography – the art of decorating wood with burn marks. He discusses […]
I built my wood shop workbench about 25 years ago and the hardest thing about it was not having a bench to build the bench. Sometimes holding your work is one of the things which takes up as much effort as the work. I started carving a gargoyle a while back (do you have one? […]
No Southern-fried Southern boy wants to be called a Yankee, but we share the characteristics of shrewdness and thrift. Thus, each month we include a money-saving tip. It’s OK if you call me “cheap.” Search the Web for “wood storage” and you will be inundated with more articles and videos than you can digest in […]
Welcome to “Tips From Sticks-In-The-Mud Woodshop.” I am a hobbyist, not a professional, someone who loves woodworking, just like you do. I have found some better ways to accomplish tasks in the workshop and look forward to sharing those with you each month, as well as hearing your problem-solving ideas. I can’t take credit for […]