Oct 292015
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Sometimes I hear woodworkers talk about avoiding repair jobs around the house and it makes me wonder, “Aren’t most woodworkers also do-it-yourselfers?” My first introduction to woodworking was in Wood Shop class in junior high school.  No one in our family worked in wood, built furniture, or anything remotely associated with what we call woodworking […]

Oct 262015
Roy Underhill on Dovetails
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Well, I just “binge watched” fourteen episodes of “The Woodwright’s Shop” and it was pretty spectacular. Roy Underhill has such an easy manner about him that he is almost able to make the show come alive, as if he is right in the room with you…. Oh wait, he was in the room. Bad jokes (dogwood, […]

Oct 222015
The Highland Woodturner, October 2015 issue
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This month, we’ve got a great new issue of The Highland Woodturner with 2 project ideas, some great woodturning tools, and more! This month’s issue includes: Turning Beads– Curtis Turner teaches us how to turn small beads that you can either use to keep strings together on a lanyard, or you can turn a bunch of them […]

Oct 192015
Roy Underhill Demonstrates Coffin Making in Time for Halloween
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“Customers are dying for this product,” Roy Underhill said on Saturday during Highland Woodworking’s Fall Open House and Sale. Just in time for Halloween, Roy spent the morning showing customers how to construct a coffin, throwing in puns while demonstrating how to make kerfs and how to steam and shape wood. Roy has been the […]

Oct 092015
Wood News Online, October 2015 issue
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We just published our new October 2015 issue of Wood News Online full of some great woodworking tips, projects, and product reviews. This month’s issue includes: Roy Underhill and the Highland Woodworking Open House– This month we have our big open house at our Atlanta store with special guest, Roy Underhill. The event will run on […]

Oct 082015
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While attending Woodworking in America 2015 (#wia15), the Highland Woodworking staff had an opportunity to take some video of all of the action happening at The Marketplace and in a few of the classes. We put it all together and wanted to share it with those who were unable to attend this year (and to […]