Dec 062009
New Rikon 10" Bandsaw is a precision cutting machine, only $199.99
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We tested the new Rikon 10″ bandsaw. After squaring up a piece of 4×4 poplar, we were able to resaw full-length slices from it that were uniformly 1/64″ thick along the entire length! Can your bandsaw do that? That convinced us this little machine can perform precision work despite its low price tag.

Nov 022009
Just the Spax, Ma'am
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The secret to Spax screws is in the shape of the barrel of the screw and in the shape of the threads. The bottom threads are wavy with serrations which act like a miniature drill to cut right through most materials. The net result is effortless work without having to drill pilot holes first unless you are running them into masonry. That’s right, the same screws work for mounting things to a masonry wall. And oh yes, the same screws work on sheet metal up to 24 gauge without pre-drilling. Are you getting the idea here? These things just work.

Oct 252009
A James Krenov Plane
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After hearing of James Krenov’s death, I looked for and found the plane I had bought from him last year. I thought he had put the blue masking tape around the throat and blade simply to keep the pieces in place for shipping, and I debated whether to take the tape off. Finally I did take it off and lo and behold, the throat was full of the most beautifully delicate shavings. Shavings put there by the master. I left them there and I don’t know if I will ever take them out.

Oct 092009
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Kari Hultman over at The Village Carpenter, my other favorite blogger, (besides me of course, who’d you think?) posted pictures of her woodworking library the other day. She has quite a collection of books, more than I do, I’m afraid, but with her kind permission, I stole her idea. Here are my books: