On Saturday we released the May 2020 episode of The Highland Woodworker, this time featuring woodworker Charles Brock! Yes that’s right, we finally convinced Chuck to interview himself and what an interview it was. We loved hearing Chuck’s story of how he got into woodworking, as well as getting a full tour of his Spring […]

For the May 2020 issue of Wood News Online, Norm Reid reviewed Issue #8 of Mortise & Tenon Magazine: As always, emphasis is on hand tool woodworking, with a strong sub-emphasis on living close to nature. The result is a refreshing diversion from the overwhelmingly high technology world so far divergent from the earth from […]

In the May 2020 issue of Wood News, Samuel Colchamiro discusses backsaws, and offers several tips for becoming better at using them. In the modern world of precise woodworking machines, handsaws are often discarded as obsolete and inaccurate. Many woodworkers are drawn to the precision of the table saw and consider the classic handsaw far […]

In the May 2020 issue of Wood News, Bob Rummer discusses how the 1930s were a boom for home crafts and leisure activity, and considers how that might compare to current events. The coronavirus crisis is changing what we do with our spare time. We can’t all go hiking when we want, and playgrounds, rec […]

In the May 2020 issue of Wood News, Doug Stowe shares some great tips for involving kids in your woodworking. Since kids have been spending more time learning from home, it is important to still be able to emphasize a hands-on learning approach. What better way to do that than have your kids join you […]
In our April poll we asked “How Are You Spending Your Time at Home?” and the most popular answer was Working on Shop Improvements (28.97%). This month we’re wondering, what those shop improvements are? Whether it’s as simple as sweeping all of the dust you’ve created or as intricate as applying The Down to Earth […]

Norm Reid has reviewed many woodworking books for our monthly newsletter, Wood News, and he knows a thing or two about good woodworking reads. If you have been looking for a new book to pass the time (when you aren’t working out in the shop), you ought to take a look at Norm’s suggestions in […]