Put it on your list of projects to complete this year – an advent calendar wine rack! For the January 2021 issue of Wood News Online, Temple Blackwood shows us a project he built for a dear friend, who pushed him out of his comfort zone to create something really special: First off, I am, […]
Country Woodcraft: Then and Now, is a remarkable new book from Lost Art Press, encompassing more than 40 years of woodworking knowledge and learning. In the article linked below, Highland Woodworking instructor Jim Dillon gives us an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at how this book came to be: In 2013, I got the chance to be […]
For the January 2021 issue of Wood News Online, we included an article written by Jeff Jewitt on achieving a Mission Oak finish: We do not sell Stickley stains at Highland. The factory uses a multi-step process using proprietary dyes; oil glazes and industrial solvent spray lacquer that’s typically beyond the scope of most […]
For the January 2021 issue of Wood News Online, Norm Reid reviewed A Cabinetmaker’s Notebook by James Krenov: A Cabinetmaker’s Notebook, the first of several books by the legendary James Krenov, offers an opportunity to get inside the thinking of a man who was an exemplary artist, craftsman, and a deeply individual woodworker. Read the […]
With 2020 now behind us, it’s time to look to our woodworking resolutions for 2021. Part of Highland Woodworking’s mission statement is to “fan the flames of interest and excitement in the craft of woodworking, and contribute to its growth throughout the country.” This past year, many of us found more time at home to […]
I have volunteered many years for a local Retirement Community/Children’s Home in my professional capacity as a Civil Engineer/Land Surveyor. I am also a Residential Contractor and a while back we needed a mantle piece over the fireplace. I bought a piece of 8/4 black walnut and when it turned out to be too wide […]
The holidays are already upon us and the year is almost over. Many of us have found more free time in the shop than past years have offered us. Some people may have even found a new love of woodworking this year. Every year we share our Woodworking Gift Guide, which includes the newest tools […]