Apr 142020
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In this new video, Jim Dillon demonstrates his method for quickly getting a hand plane blade for a bench plane sharpened and back to work. Watch this step-by-step video and you will be on your way to a shop full of sharp tools!

Apr 092020
Book Review: The Craft of Veneering
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For the April 2020 issue of Wood News Online, Norm Reid reviewed Craig Thibodeau’s excellent guide, The Craft of Veneering: I’ve recently become interested in delving into the practice of incorporating veneer into some of my projects. To get started in this, I’ve read several books on veneering. While each has its strong points, none, […]

Apr 072020
Stories from Grandpa’s Workshop: Fretwork for Fretful Times
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In his new column in the April 2020 issue of Wood News, Bob Rummer shares how woodworking can affect four key dimensions of our mental health and well-being. I have written about some of the psychological benefits of woodworking before, how shop time can help us manage anxiety and stress and contribute to a more […]

Apr 032020
April Woodworking Poll: How Are You Spending Your Time at Home?
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First of all, we would like to thank everyone who is working in the medical fields, trucking, retail sales, manufacturing, delivery, sanitation and every other essential worker out there for all of their services they are continuing to provide during these times. A lot of us, who aren’t in these fields, have more than likely […]

Mar 252020
The Highland Woodworker: Full Archives
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Did you already finish watching the latest episode of The Highland Woodworker (featuring the legendary Don Weber!) and now you need something else to keep you busy? Check out our full archives of The Highland Woodworker, going all the way back to Chuck’s first interview with Roy Underhill in episode 1! Each episode contains some […]

Mar 132020
The Drawknife by Andy Glenn
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In the March 2020 issue of Wood News, we featured an article by first time Wood News writer Andy Glenn, all about the Drawknife. How to sharpen it, how to use it, and more: Of all the hand tools, I think the drawknife can be the most intimidating – especially if you’ve never picked one […]

Mar 112020
National Worship of Tools Day is here!
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You might have heard of National Dog Day, National Margarita Day, National Pizza Day, but did you know there is also a National Worship of Tools Day? And it just happens to be today, March 11th. The ‘National Day Calendar’ describes this holiday as “a day to go out into the garage, the tool shed, […]