Oct 262016
Good Clean Fun: An Interview with (and a store visit from) Nick Offerman!
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We were very excited to listen to Popular Woodworking’s Megan Fitzpatrick interviewing Nick Offerman last week. Among the many topics they discussed were Peter Galbert’s mean turkey stew, the similarities between building boats and building acoustic instruments, Nick’s shop in Los Angeles, and of course, his new book: Good Clean Fun, on sale now at […]

Oct 252016
Woodworking Gifts Series: The Art of Gifting Well
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Generating gifts for others on special occasions and holidays can be a challenge that offers endless opportunities for creativity and imagination while adding a tension of uncertainty that comes from trying to guess what will delight someone else on a specific occasion, particularly if you wish to make it. While I prefer to make gifts […]

Oct 242016
Woodworking Gifts Series: Turned Pens Make Great Holiday Gifts
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The Holidays are upon us and I think many wood workers are looking for things to make as gifts. One thing I like to make and which can be done quickly and easily is a wooden pen. My favorite this year is the “bolt action” pen.  As you might infer from the name,  the point is extended by […]

Oct 212016
Woodworking Gifts Series: Turn a Bowl and Finish It With Milk Paint
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I actually got a jump on the holidays this year! I recently completed this 9″ bowl. I wanted this gift to be somewhat unique. I considered various embellishments but ultimately decided to use milk paint. I tested various samples before settling on Barn Red over Black. I applied 3 coats of red with a sponge […]

Oct 202016
Woodworking Gifts Series: Knives and Chopsticks
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Christmas gifts can cause a fair level of uncertainty, possibly even leaning towards angst, on the part of the giver. Are we sure whatever it is that we are looking at is something that will really  “fit” the intended recipient? Someone on a list out there (family/friends/significant others) might even fall into the category of […]

Oct 192016
Chris Pye Visits Highland!
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We were honored to have a visit from renowned carver Chris Pye a few weeks ago. Chris taught a 3-hour sharpening seminar in the morning to a roomful of enthusiastic carvers, and the demonstration was filled with entertaining anecdotes and carving references. We were very impressed with Chris’s ability to make good fun out of […]

Oct 182016
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Benchcrafted is well-known for their exceptional vise hardware. In this video, Matt Cremona offers a tour of the Glide Leg Vise and the Tail Vise, showing off this extremely well machined hardware: how to install it and how smoothly it operates. Check out all the work holding capabilities with his bench and why these vises […]