Dec 092016
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A few weeks ago we got an email from a customer who wanted to share his “Pay It Forward” story for the holidays, but wanted to remain anonymous. Here is his story about how he sold all of the tools in his shop to a military veteran for just $1: It would be an honor to […]

Dec 052016
Poll: Making Woodworking Gifts for the Holidays
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Holly, the receptionist at our office, hates it when I say, on the 25th of every month, “Only (335…180…90…30) shopping days til Christmas!” Unfortunately for Holly, having revealed that it gets to her, I make sure I never miss a month! Woodworkers can get the same heebie-jeebies when we hear that Christmas is coming. How […]

Dec 022016
Tips from Sticks in the Mud – December 2016 – Tip #2 - Warranty Filing
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Welcome to “Tips From Sticks-In-The-Mud Woodshop.” I am a hobbyist who loves woodworking and writing for those who also love the craft. I have found some ways to accomplish tasks in the workshop that might be helpful to you, and I enjoy hearing your own problem-solving ideas. Please share them in the COMMENTS section of each […]

Dec 012016
Tips from Sticks in the Mud – December 2016 – Tip #1 - Tool Instruction Manual Filing System
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Welcome to “Tips From Sticks-In-The-Mud Woodshop.” I am a hobbyist who loves woodworking and writing for those who also love the craft. I have found some ways to accomplish tasks in the workshop that might be helpful to you, and I enjoy hearing your own problem-solving ideas. Please share them in the COMMENTS section of each […]

Nov 282016
Woodworking Wish List 2016 - Lee Laird
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It’s hard to believe we are already coming back around to Christmas again, as 2016 has raced past us. I’ve come up with a few things for my wish list – likely things you may also enjoy having in your shop (or garage, or little closet…) Let me also wish each and everyone a safe and happy […]

Nov 252016
Woodworking Wish List 2016 - Temple Blackwood
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With the holiday season approaching far too rapidly to be able to accomplish all the gifts I thought I would have time to make for family, friends, and good customers, I settle in on a rainy afternoon to give some thought to what I might like to receive as a gift, the creation of my […]

Nov 232016
Woodworking Wish List 2016 - Jeff Fleisher
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I have a large 1000 sqft shop full of tools and I am privileged to write a monthly tool review for Highland Woodworking so what tools could I possibly wish for? Well, there is always room for a new tool in the shop and there is always a ‘need’ for a new tool as well! […]