The Holidays are almost here and as woodworkers, a lot of us will soon be busy in our shops making gifts for our loved ones. This month we want to know how early (or late) do you get started in the gift making process?
Starting down a woodworking path without many tools can lead to serious sticker shock if you’re not careful assessing whether or not a tool purchase is really necessary. Deciding which tools to invest in is even more challenging when you simply don’t know what you don’t know. Like whether you need the 6” or 12” […]
For the August 2021 issue of Wood News Online, Temple Blackwood discussed a recent project he completed for a client that involved turning 8 similar copies of a complex baluster needed for a historical staircase restoration. During the past year and a half, much to my delight, customers from all over the country overwhelmed my […]
For the October 2021 issue of Wood News Online, Bob Rummer talked about how he incorporates “honesty” into his woodshop and projects: It’s October and you know what that means. On Halloween, the Great Walnut Burl will rise out of a toolbox in the most honest workshop in the world. He will fly around the […]
We are proud to announce that Highland Woodworking has been nominated for #BESTofGEORGIA in the Craft/Hobby store category! Help us win by voting for us at https://gbj.com/atlanta/shopping/highland-woodworking. Highland Woodworking started as Highland Hardware in 1978 by Chris and Sharon Bagby, two graduates of Georgia Tech. While we started out more than 40 years ago as a […]
For the October 2021 issue of Wood News Online, Norm Reid reviewed Kitchen Think by Nancy Hiller: Kitchen Think is, as the name states, an opportunity to think broadly and carefully about the design and execution of a kitchen remodeling project. If kitchen remodeling is in your future, even a minor upgrade, then you will […]
For the August 2021 issue of Wood News Online, Norm Reid reviewed The Workshop Book By Scott Landis: The Workshop Book’s primary value is the opportunity it offers to survey a wide range of workshop solutions through the eyes of woodworkers who have adopted them. This is an excellent resource for any woodworker setting out […]