Oct 222012
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Have you always wanted to trek to Atlanta so you can step inside Highland Woodworking and just breathe in the woodworking all around you? Well, you should still plan to do that someday. Atlanta in the springtime is a lovely place to visit! But until you get that chance, here’s a video tour of Highland […]

Oct 182012
Morton's Shop: Flattening Crotch Walnut
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After ripping off the top part of my six foot walnut board (where it splits and has some nice crotch figure) – it needs some serious flattening.  Back to the old #6 for starters.  Unfortunately this can leave some serious tear-out in the switching grain. So, I also sneaked in some passes with my Lie-Nielsen […]

Oct 172012
Woodworking Projects: A Split Bamboo Fly Rod
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Well, I am in North Carolina taking a class at John Campbell Folk School. I wanted to get out of town for a few days and take a class somewhere, so I ended up here at the School making a split bamboo fly rod. Can you say obsessive, detailed, fanatic, “are you kidding me”? If you have […]

Oct 152012
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Finally, a reason to look forward to Mondays! We’ll be rolling out a new woodworking movie every Monday on the Highland Woodworking YouTube channel, so make sure you check back each week to see what we are featuring! From product tours and technique demonstrations by Morton to video visits to the Down to Earth Workshop […]

Oct 122012
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Morton is a big fan of his SawStop PCS, and he wants to tell you why in this video product tour. The video includes a rarely-seen explanation of the steps you take to get your saw working again AFTER the brake is engaged if you ever unfortunately do your own “real life hot-dog demo”!

Oct 112012
Morton's Shop: Full Size Leg Template
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Although I work from drawings and plans, I often need to see things in full scale to get a look at how I’m going to interact with a piece.  I quickly made up the leg from 1/8″ scraps. The middle and top were fine, but I made three or four different “foot” pieces. These pieces […]