Feb 062013
Get Woodworking Week - Tips for Getting Started from Lee Laird
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Ok, so lets talk about what you need to get started woodworking. Obviously, you need some sort of tools for woodworking, but it isn’t the quality of tool that truly dictates the end result. Preparation and skill are the two components that greatly overshadow any other component. So what exactly do I mean by preparation and skill? […]

Feb 052013
Get Woodworking Week - Some Advice from Curtis Turner on getting started with woodturning
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Getting started Have you been on the sidelines, flipping through the Highland catalog and reading woodturning books and magazines? Have you been hesitant to commit to a new hobby? Well, that’s what “Get to Woodworking” week is all about — taking that first step. Unfortunately, for some, learning a new skill can be one of over analysis […]

Feb 042013
Get Woodworking Week - Teaching a Friend to Turn
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I am always surprised at how many people have no concept of making something from scratch. Reminds me of a young man who came to my shop and saw something I had made and asked me “So you just take some wood from a tree in the forest and make something out of it?” Well, […]

Jan 312013
Morton's Shop: Leg Assembly
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The three leg pieces are finished with three coats of Waterlox and ready for assembly. The top and bottom pieces have the mortises while the center section has twin tenons. I did offset pegs for a drawbore joint but as I banged things home, I was not completely satisfied with how  it drew together. Maybe […]

Jan 302013
Show Us Your Shop Followup: Dilo Fernandino
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We featured Dilo Fernandino’s unusually small workshop in the woodshop column in the January 2009 issue of Wood News. He recently sent us an update to let us know what he’s been working on: I recently built this box from salvaged “braúna”, the blackest and hardest Brazilian wood (almost like marble), upon which I attached a low-relief of a Volkswagen beetle […]

Jan 292013
Morton's Shop: Prepping for Finishing (the legs)
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The leg pieces (top, middle and foot) are ready for assembly.  Before I put them together with the pegged mortise tenon, I”ll go ahead and pre-finish the parts.  It”s a little easier when they are separate.  I”ll apply three coats of Waterlox with sanding in between.  After assembly, I”ll apply maybe two more coats to […]

Jan 282013
2012 Rikon Pro Bandsaw Giveaway: Interview with the Winner!
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Congratulations to John Rinehart of Marble Falls, TX on winning Highland Woodworking’s 2012 Rikon Pro Bandsaw Giveaway! John won a Rikon Model 10-350 Professional Bandsaw and a Wood Slicer resaw blade! We had a quick chat with him about winning the contest and how he plans to use his new band saw: HW: Can you give […]