This will sound like a commercial and in a way it is, but I think it should be told. My kids are now parents of our grandchildren who are out in the world working, going to college, and the youngest is in High School. At Christmas time we send checks to all of them so […]

Our February issue of Wood News Online just came out! As always, we have multiple monthly features that show off the work of woodworkers around the country (and even the world sometimes). Wood News also gives woodworkers the opportunity to get their own tips and tricks out to the woodworking world. This month’s special features […]

Today we are dedicating #FollowFriday to woodworker, Greg Pennington, who we recently featured in our Show Us Your Shop column in the January 2014 issue of Wood News Online. You may know Greg if you have taken any windsor chair building classes with Peter Galbert or Curtis Buchanan, both of whom he assists. When he […]

Check out our latest issue of The Highland Woodturner, Highland Woodworking’s online magazine dedicated to just woodturning. This month we have a few highlighted articles including: Sharing the Love of Turning: Curtis Turner discusses how he has finally been able to teach his passion of woodturning to his oldest son. Within his article, he discusses […]

For the first Wood News issue of the new year, we’ve got a great collection of tips, projects, and submissions from woodworkers all across the country! This month’s issue includes: Making a Zero Clearance Insert for a Table Saw-Frequent contributor, Rod Scott, discusses how to make a custom zero clearance insert for your table saw, […]

The Lie-Nielsen Small Chisel Plane (97 ½) is something that never fails to catch attention. This is likely in some part due to a unique design with the cutting edge of the iron at the very front of the plane. That’s right, there is absolutely no toe section out in front of the iron, as is common for most […]

Happy New Years from Highland Woodworking! A few of our blog contributors have come up with their 2014 New Years Resolutions with regards to their woodworking (and some personal ones as well). Today, we’ve got Highland Woodturner contributor, Curtis Turner’s resolutions: 1. Cut the logs in my shop into more manageable blanks. I’ll save more time if […]