Oct 122014
Back to the Workshop: A Series
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September/October is the time of year that woodworkers go back to their shops after a summer of vacations, retreats, warm weather, and relaxation. Several of our blog contributors wrote about their experiences of getting back into the shop, preparing for the creation of holiday presents, and their general overlook of the woodworking season. Click through […]

Oct 082014
Woodworking Gifts Series: Don’t Forget The “Backstory”
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A “backstory” is a literary device used to lend depth and color to the main story. Characters often have history that impacts their present decisions and actions, and that history often is revealed as a ‘backstory” that helps us understand the character’s current motivations and psyche. The backstory enriches and enlightens and makes the main story line more compelling. […]

Oct 072014
Basic Bowl Turning Class – The Review
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Class starts early on a Saturday morning with everyone sipping coffee and chatting amicably, the group of us ranging in skill level from those who have been turning for a while to folks who have never held a woodturning tool before.  The classroom at Highland is a great place, all old wood with various projects and tables […]

Oct 062014
Back to the Workshop: Lee Laird
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With my recent lower back surgeries, I’ve had a decent period of time where I was completely unable to do any woodworking, and while this hopefully doesn’t directly relate to any reader, many will likely have (past or present) life get in the way of our enjoyable pastime. I thought I’d share some of my thoughts about getting […]