Have you ever been in your shop standing over a work piece, your eyes scrunched up and your body craned over trying to awkwardly not block light while also working on a piece? You will understand my struggles recently as I was attempting to cut some dovetails in my basement workshop. I have decent lighting […]
No Southern-fried Southern boy wants to be called a Yankee, but we share the characteristics of shrewdness and thrift. Thus, each month we include a money-saving tip. It’s OK if you call me “cheap.” You can buy a non-slip “router pad” from any number of suppliers. It’s great stuff and will grip your work […]
A “Maker Faire” in Atlanta happened a few weeks ago. Maker events happen all over the globe and they help celebrate and promote the creative process. Long-time wood turner and Highland Woodworking customer, Mark Sillay, was on hand turning tops and letting kids color them in with a marker. Mark handed out our Highland Woodworking catalogs and […]
On Sunday the 19th of October, I was able to sit in on a class taught by Frank Klausz, one of the woodworking world”s luminary figures. Frank taught a seminar on hand-tool joinery and covered the three major types of dovetails: open, half-lap, and sliding, along with mortise and tenon joints. Frank demonstrated his techniques for […]
This weekend I had the pleasure of attending the Highland Woodworking Open House and Hand Tool Extravaganza. The event was an enormous amount of fun. A whole bunch of woodworking knowledge was passed around, stories were told, and a bunch of wood shavings were made. There were some great woodworkers in attendance, including Scott Meek, […]
This month’s issue of The Highland Woodturner is full of different project ideas including several for the upcoming holidays! Curtis Turner’s column features an “extremely easy project” on Creating a Stropping Wheel, which is helpful in touching up knives and turning tools. Curtis lets you know the materials you need and gives an overview of […]
In the most recent issue of The Highland Woodturner, I gave the step-by-step instruction of turning a wooden snowman ornament. In Part 2 you can find out how to turn a wooden bell ornament here on the Highland Woodworking blog. Finally, here in Part 3 I will turn a wooden Christmas tree light as seen below. […]