Nov 202015
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There is a strong inclination at this time of year to wax altruistic, demonstrate my “niceness” as the Down To Earth Woodworker, and wish for holiday gifts like “peace on earth,” “more new woodworkers,” or “a twenty-first century renaissance.” The fact is, though, I do often succumb to covetous thought. Professing to want nothing that costs real money is […]

Nov 042015
The November 2015 issue of Wood News Online
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We’ve just published another great issue of Wood News Online. This month’s issue includes: Building a 3-Sided Farm Woodshed– Jon Rubin is known for over-engineering when it comes to his woodworking projects, and it was no different for his recent woodshed that he built on his farm. In this article, Jon discusses his over-engineering and his […]

Nov 032015
Tips from Sticks in the Mud – November Tip #2 - Another use for recycled foam paintbrushes
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No Southern-fried Southern boy wants to be called a Yankee, but we share the characteristics of shrewdness and thrift.  Thus, each month we include a money-saving tip.  It’s OK if you call me “cheap.” Wooden handles for foam paintbrushes have lots of uses, and we’ve extolled those uses before.  Click here to revisit that post.  […]