First of all, we would like to thank everyone who is working in the medical fields, trucking, retail sales, manufacturing, delivery, sanitation and every other essential worker out there for all of their services they are continuing to provide during these times.
A lot of us, who aren’t in these fields, have more than likely found some extra time on our hands that we would normally be using commuting to work, socializing with friends and family, or attending sports practice. For a lot of people, this has been newfound time to start a new hobby or get better at something you have already been pursuing….like woodworking.

There are also those of us who have kids and are now doing double duty as both parents and teachers. Now could be a good time to add shop class into your child’s schedule. Not only is it teaching them new skills but it gets you into the shop!
This month we want to ask how are you spending your time around the house? And if it’s not listed in the poll, feel free to comment on this blog post!
I promised my kids some projects for their homes for Christmas. I’ve been planning ever since, but hadn’t started yet. Bought $700 worth of lumber last week (before the stores get shut down) so I had supplies. Finally making sawdust this week.
Building tool storage systems for work shop. Since I’m not making house calls [ home repairs/improvements ] time is spent making things needed in the shop. Bought a couple new tools and learning the many ways to properly use. Finishing several projects around home that never got completed due to work, you know, “a contractors house is the last to get completed”. My wife is very thankful for work finally getting done on “her” home! Taking some time to relax.
My wife and daughter have volunteered me to build dressers for the four grandchildren!
I built a ” Cross ” put in the front yard .
Last Summer I started two Shaker chest of drawers, finishing the Cases at my shop in Michigan. I brought the fronts, backs, and sides for the eight drawers down here to Florida to work on during the Winter.
I was not making much progress until the “stay at home” order. Now all the drawer components are finished which included 84 pairs of hand cut dovetails.
It looks as if I will stay put through April and maybe a little longer. Maybe I can finish the interior of my tool chest.
My wife has a major quilting project on hold while she makes scrub hats and face masks.
We are really keeping busy!
I have spent a lot of time in my home workshop during this pandemic lockdown to clean and organize my shop, including building two new wall-mounted tool cabinets, sharpening all of my hand tools (chisels, plane blades), renovating and improving my mitre saw station, and refinishing an outside wooden patio dining table and six chairs.
Finished a spice chest project and started several small projects to clear out some small parts, Use up some clutter.
Carving spoons in my recliner, listening to music or TV. Eventually going to build a new bonsai table but still working out the design. Watching YouTube videos to learn and admire the skill of pro furniture and ship builders. Using Instagram to check out some of the amazing work out of Australia and the world’s bespoke furniture designer/builders.
using the down time to get my dust system up,putting up cabinets and more shelving.
2 bar chairs, set of book ends, duel spindle thread feeder and a live edge black walnut charcuterie server. oh and finished my work bench.
I am nearing end of new shop construction which continues. The change is that none of the subs are working. It is just me working on handrails, dust collection, and trim carpentry.