Mar 172017
Tool Sharpening for a Beginner, Part 2: Sandpaper on Glass
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Amy Herschleb attend Jim Dillon’s Hand Tool Sharpening class at Highland and came away with a new appreciation of working with sharp tools. In this series she will go into thoughtful detail on the 3 methods of sharpening Jim Dillon taught. Today she covers Method 1, Sandpaper on Glass. CLICK HERE to read Part 1 The […]

Mar 162017
Tool Sharpening for a Beginner, Part 1
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With the constant jokes circulating the woodworking workplace, there ought to be an award for who gets to be “the sharpest tool in the shed.” And as a newcomer to the field, until lately I would rank a non-starter. I have been catching up on my reading, and being drawn to the attractively-bound volume, recently […]

Mar 142017
3 “Rules” To Joyous Woodworking and Life
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RULE 1 – Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff Don’t sweat the small stuff. I have heard this saying over and over throughout my life. It always made a kind of sense to me, but had never become real to me until I stitched it together with the next two “Rules” . Not sweating the small […]

Mar 102017
Which Festool Track Saw is Right for You?
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In Issue #6 of Festool Heaven, Our Sticks In The Mud (SITM) tipster Jim Randolph and our Down To Earth Woodworker (DTEW) Steve Johnson got into a discussion over which is the best Festool Track Saw, the TS-55 or the TS-75. We’re not sure who won the argument, but they both scored some pretty good […]

Mar 082017
Caliper Comparison: Fraction Dial vs. Digital
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  In the March 2017 issue of Wood News, Jeff Fleisher changes up his normal review process and does a comparison review of two of our most popular selling calipers, the 6 inch Fractional Dial Caliper and the 6 inch Fractional Digital Caliper. This will not be a typical review of each tool but rather […]

Mar 062017
Tips from Sticks in the Mud – March 2017 – Tip #2 – Twist Ties
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No Southern-fried Southern boy wants to be called a Yankee, but we share the characteristics of shrewdness and thrift. Thus, each month we include a money-saving tip. It’s OK if you call me “cheap.” When you purchase a new garden hose it comes with some really long twist ties. Forget those little things that come […]

Mar 032017
March Poll: Selling Tools (continued)
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Are you a tightwad, like me? I know there are many of us out there. We pinch pennies and we are so attached to them we lose our appetites when the government talks about doing away with them. (Can you imagine what a government program to discontinue pennies would cost taxpayers? I shudder to even […]