There’s almost always a weekend woodworking class going on at Highland Woodworking in Atlanta.
I just wanted to take a moment out to tell you how much I enjoy doing business with you — you put together a terrific catalog and have thoroughly mastered the intricacies of Internet marketing. Most of all, you appear to be people of integrity who honestly describe the wares you have to offer, charge fair prices, and follow through beautifully on every order. What a pleasure it is to buy from you!
You are invited to join Billy Rhoton at 10 AM on Saturday, December 27 at Highland Woodworking’s Atlanta retail store for a rare visual tour inside one of his handcrafted instruments. He will discuss bracing patterns and carving techniques and their relationship to tone. He will also discuss tools and traditional construction methods. The demonstration is free, and no advance registration is necessary. Highland Woodworking is located at 1045 N. Highland Ave, NE in Atlanta.