Mar 182010
Candle Stands and Tools
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A few weeks ago, my son the seminary student, asked me to make a candle stand for his church. It was not something I was familiar with, but he and I looked it up and after several back and forth discussions settled on a design we both liked and I could make. The only design issue was making sure the proportions were right and it looked good.

Mar 022010
SketchUp Time
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OK, people, it’s time to get SketchUp. I know you have been putting it off because you think it is hard to learn and it is new and different and you had rather get shop time than sit in front of the computer learning to use something new. I know — I’ve been there.

Jan 202010
Woodworking Tips: Tool Ignorance vs Tool Stupidity
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All woodworkers know if necessity is the mother of invention, then laziness is the grandfather and stupid is the father. All jigs, templates, shortcuts, power tools, dumb moves and safety practices are heirs of this illustrious family.