I once heard Norm Abram say that nothing upsets him more than someone suggesting that the only reason he can build all those things is all the tools he has. Well, having a well-equipped shop is indeed a wonderful thing, but Norm is right. How much woodworking you can do is not solely dependent on how […]

We are almost there. It is the end of Day Six at the Galbert Windsor Chair Class and today we legged ‘em up. All of us have been looking forward to this day all week. The way these chairs are made is with a “box” configuration in the stretchers and if you get an angle […]

Why would we talk about “Fortune Favors the Bold” in a chairmaking class? Next time you spend three days working on a piece of soft pine trying to make a Windsor chair seat out of it and the instructor tells you to take a drawknife and make big honking cuts on the edge of the […]

Day Four is done. I think we may have figured out who is Grumpy and who is Sleepy today. I don’t believe you have met our crew. There is Corey from Kentucky, Dana from Virginia, Daniel from Israel (that’s right, all the way from Israel), and Jim and I are from Atlanta. Peter and his […]

Remember in Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs where the dwarfs come marching home at the end of a long hard day in the diamond mine? Well there are seven of us (do not even ask me which one of us is Grumpy or Dopey) and we were glad to march out of the […]

”TMI” means Too Much Information for you people without teenagers in the family. You want to see how I felt about lunchtime today — the picture below is my brain on chairs. Day two of seven and we continue tomorrow with each student building their own Windsor chair, and I must admit I am a […]