Dec 092010
The Plane Facts: Bench Planes – why are there so many sizes?
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A question I hear from customers at many of our shows regarding bench planes is: “Why are there so many different plane sizes and do/will I need ALL of them?” In this article, I’ll talk about the range of bench planes, their sizes and purposes. All of the bench planes (those that range from a […]

Dec 072010
The Next Generation of Woodworkers
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I’ve read a few articles recently about how to get a new generation of woodworkers started, and the concern that our craft may not have the same longevity now that it had in the past. These days it seems like woodworking classes in schools are few and far between, price of entry to woodworking can […]

Dec 062010
Fundamentals of Woodworking with Sabiha Mujtaba, Day 2: Officially a Beginner Woodworker
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Before taking Fundamentals of Woodworking with Sabiha Mujtaba, I was a dabbler, a wannabe woodworker. I had a nice set of woodworking tools, but lacked the knowledge and skills to use them. And more than that, I lacked the confidence to say to myself “I want to build a new [insert woodworking project here]” and […]

Dec 042010
Fundamentals of Woodworking with Sabiha Mujtaba, Day 1: Every Woodworking Tool You Need to Know
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My quest to become a woodworker has been a slow process. I started with lofty dreams and memories of growing up on the floors of Highland Woodworking, but not actually using any of the tools. My next step was an overwhelming first exposure to a wood-related project. My account of building a planter stopped at […]

Dec 022010
December Wood News hits the stands
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Hello Woodworkers, The December edition of Wood News is out, and this month it is packed full of entertaining and informative woodworking articles for you to enjoy. One of our themes for December seems to be how much you can accomplish in a small space. First we have another update from Dilo Fernandino, our Brazilian […]