Finally, a reason to look forward to Mondays! We’ll be rolling out a new woodworking movie every Monday on the Highland Woodworking YouTube channel, so make sure you check back each week to see what we are featuring! From product tours and technique demonstrations by Morton to video visits to the Down to Earth Workshop […]
Morton is a big fan of his SawStop PCS, and he wants to tell you why in this video product tour. The video includes a rarely-seen explanation of the steps you take to get your saw working again AFTER the brake is engaged if you ever unfortunately do your own “real life hot-dog demo”!

Although I work from drawings and plans, I often need to see things in full scale to get a look at how I’m going to interact with a piece. I quickly made up the leg from 1/8″ scraps. The middle and top were fine, but I made three or four different “foot” pieces. These pieces […]

When you purchase a chisel, depending on whether it is new or used, the bevel angle could either be what the maker decided was optimal for its intended usage, or a middle-of-the-road balance. Now if it is a used chisel, the angle could be just about anything, depending on the previous owner’s choices. Ultimately, once you own the chisel, […]

When I created the curved template for the legs, I actually bent a thin strip of wood around nails to get a very consistent curve that highly matched the grain of the crotch walnut. I use this technique all the time, but it can leave nail holes in the template when you cut it out! […]

In his column this month, our Down to Earth Woodworker, Steven Johnson, defines a word that many of us had never heard before: Pogonotrophy. The word “pogonotrophy” is from the Greek “pogon,” meaning beard, and in this form literally means “beard feeding.” Think of it as the science (or art) of beard growth. I’ve been […]

I am reading three books right now. The first is Larry Haun’s memoir “A Carpenter’s Life — as told by houses”, published by The Taunton Press. It covers the arc of his life through the houses he lived in and houses he built during a lifetime as a carpenter. Haun would probably come in third […]