We were excited to see our friend Scott Meek in the WIA 2014 Marketplace, showing off his beautiful wood body planes. Take a look at Scott demonstrating one of his planes in the video below: If you want to see this smooth planing action in person, or just meet an amazing toolmaker and a pretty […]

Hey woodturners, we’ve got a new issue of The Highland Woodturner for you to read! First up we’ve got a classic article from Curtis Turner on turning your own chisel handles. You can even make a whole set of them and always know which chisels are yours! Temple Blackwood explains “The Order of Cuts,” which is a […]

There was a lot to see in the WIA 2014 Marketplace, and we were excited to find a booth featuring one of our favorite chairmakers, Peter Galbert. We got him to do a quick demo of his Galbert Drawsharp to show us just how easy it is to use. Take a look at the video […]

It’s Sunday afternoon on September 14 and I’m on my way home from Woodworking in America 2014. As I stare out the airplane window I can already feel the beginning of what I refer to as “the WIA mourning period” kicking in. It’s not a regret that I attended or didn’t make it to every class on […]

Woodworking in America 2014 is only a few days away as I’m writing this post, and I’m so excited about attending this year! WIA is billed as the “ultimate woodworking weekend,” and I couldn’t agree more with that statement. I’ve been very fortunate to have been in attendance at almost all of them since the […]

It occurs to me that everybody may not have the opportunities for wood that I am fortunate to have. People know I love to turn and they are always bringing me wood and asking if I need some more. I am reminded of the young fellow who came to the shop one day and looked […]

Summer is coming to a close, but that usually means the woodworking season picks back up again and people are out in their shops in the (usually) lovely weather that Autumn brings. We’re happy to have just released our September issue of Wood News Online, #109, full of even more project ideas than past issues […]