It’s November and that means at the end of the month it’ll be Thanksgiving. Here at Highland Woodworking, we are very thankful for our customers. It is thanks to YOU that we have been around for over 40 years and are able to provide woodworking resources and education to you all.
As we all know, woodworking takes patience, skill, and sometimes good ol’ blood, sweat and tears. If you have the patience to spend an hour hand sharpening a new set of chisels, that is something to be thankful for! You haven’t even gotten to start on the “fun” part of actually making something, which will likely also take patience and time before you have a final product.
This month’s poll asks “what are you most thankful for when it comes to woodworking?” The answers listed are just a few we thought of, feel free to add your own as an “other” comment!
After 5 back and 2 neck surgeries, I am very THANKFUL to be able to still be in the shop making sawdust and sometimes something good! Right now I am recovering from hand surgery and under doctor’s orders to stay out of the shop for 2 weeks. Anxious to get back in action!
Only being able to choose 1 on the survey I will put my second here which is walking away at the end of the day counting to 10. But my most joyous feeling is what I have accomplished on the day and all that I can be thankful for.
Just having the option to pick 1 on the study I will put my second here which is leaving by the day’s end checking to 10. Be that as it may, my most glad inclination is the thing that I have achieved on the day and all that I can be grateful for.
Being blessed with the skills that makes me a good woodworker