Dec 182018
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Lost Art Press has really upped their game this year in the variety of books they are releasing. We were especially excited to see this book on crafting utensils, given the current spoon carving craze. Norm Reid read the book and reviewed it for us:

In this brilliant little book, Slojd in Wood, Jögge Sundqvist provides a complete course in crafting utensils and other useful items from wood. Though the Swedish term slöjd may at first be off-putting to English-speaking readers, it needn’t be. Slöjd refers to crafty and traditional ways of working with hand tools to make functional and decorative items for around the house and homestead. The term itself derives from the word slög, meaning artful or clever. Slöjd is a practice that has evolved from centuries-old traditional practices of self-sufficiency that can be applied to many types of raw materials. Here, Sundqvist shows how to craft items from his chosen medium, wood.

Click here to read the rest of Norm’s review

Click here to purchase your own copy of Slojd in Wood

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