Photo Credit: Bill Rush Photography
On Saturday, April 28th, 2018, we celebrated Highland Woodworking’s 40th Anniversary! We were excited to have our special guests Nick Offerman, Roy Underhill, Thomas Lie-Nielsen and Chuck Brock. We also had demonstrators from Festool and SawStop as well as a carving demonstration by Jim LeClaire. Our guests and demonstrators were located throughout the store offering a variety of demonstrations, discussions, and overall woodworking camaraderie.

Nick Offerman signing his books
Upstairs we had actor/woodworker Nick Offerman signing copies of his books Good Clean Fun, Gumption, and Paddle Your Own Canoe. In the middle of the day Nick took a break from signing and came downstairs to demonstrate the quick technology of the SawStop Professional Cabinet Tablesaw PCS. Instead of doing the demonstration with a hot dog, Nick specifically requested a bratwurst. Despite a new kind of “test dummy” than is normal for these demonstrations, the SawStop still proved itself and barely nicked the bratwurst.
In our Seminar Room we held our Dovetail Donation Challenge where we partnered with Building Homes for Heroes, an organization that builds or modifies homes, and gifts them, mortgage-free, to veterans and their families. With the kind donations of our customers we ended up raising $295 for the charity, which Highland Woodworking matched and the organization will be receiving a check for $600. We also had carver, Jim LeClaire demonstrating his figurine carving.

Roy working his machines
Roy Underhill, host of The Woodwright’s Shop, was centerstage in the middle of the store entertaining customers with a variety of his woodworking machines he brought down from his shop in North Carolina. His machines were all powered by hand and “kids of all ages” were excited to try them out.
Also in the middle of the store we had Thomas Lie-Nielsen and Deneb Puchalski from Lie-Nielsen Toolworks. Deneb was demonstrating a variety of Lie-Nielsen planes, chisels and saws while Tom was answering questions and chatting with customers.

Charles Brock interviewing Roy for a future episode of The Highland Woodworker
Charles Brock, host of The Highland Woodworker was stationed at the front of the store with his sculptured rocker he brought down from his shop in Tennessee. Throughout the day Chuck was also conducting interviews for a future episode of The Highland Woodworker so be on the lookout for that episode!
In the back of the store we had our Festool representative on hand answering questions and demonstrating our wide array of Festool Power Tools.
We hope all who came had a wonderful time and if you couldn’t make it to our store this past weekend, you’re always welcome to come visit us here in Atlanta!
Click here to view our photo gallery with highlights from the event.