Jul 072015
Tips from Sticks in the Mud – July Tip #2 – Mixing Vessels
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No Southern-fried Southern boy wants to be called a Yankee, but we share the characteristics of shrewdness and thrift.  Thus, each month we include a money-saving tip.  It’s OK if you call me “cheap.” What are you going to use to mix your different woodworking concoctions in?  The underside of a plastic food container makes a […]

Jun 182015
June 2015 issue of The Highland Woodturner
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If you’re in need of some turning project ideas, look no further than this month’s issue of The Highland Woodturner, which is full of a variety of projects for turners of all levels. This month’s issue includes: Acorn Turning and Burning: Acorns are a quick and easy turning project, but what makes this specific project unique […]

Jun 162015
A Bandsaw Passed Down Through Generations
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The bandsaw. I was introduced to this woodworking machine some time ago as the tool that every woodturner would need to get into the craft. The bandsaw that I own is an 80 or so year old Rockwell Beaver 10 inch bandsaw, originating from Ontario, Canada. Perhaps 80 years ago my great grandfather bought this […]

Jun 102015
"Project Creep"
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Do you have “project creep” every time you start a new job?  It seems that I do.  What started as a new top for my wife’s cheap bedside table turned into two new pieces of furniture.  CLICK HERE to read how that happened. Project creep is also known as “as long as we’re doing this […]

Jun 042015
The June 2015 issue of Wood News Online
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It’s almost time for summer woodworking and in this month’s issue of Wood News Online, we’ve got some great project ideas, woodworking tips, and tool specials for some summertime fun. This month’s issue includes: Project Idea: Goodrich Step Stool– Mark Miller’s Great Uncle started a generational project of building a wooden step stool for every […]

Jun 022015
Tips from Sticks in the Mud - June Tip #2 - Protecting your tools from the elements
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No Southern-fried Southern boy wants to be called a Yankee, but we share the characteristics of shrewdness and thrift.  Thus, each month we include a money-saving tip.  It’s OK if you call me “cheap.” During a substantial part of building my deck handrail, a veritable monsoon hung over the top of our town.  While the […]

Jun 012015
Tips from Sticks in the Mud – June Tip #1 - Incorporating your highest standards into your projects
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Incorporate your highest standards and best practices into even the roughest of projects.  It’s good practice, it keeps your skills up and prevents falling into bad habits.  If it takes a little longer, it is time well-spent.  For example, I recently built a handrail on my outdoor deck project. It certainly didn’t need to be fancy.  It needed to […]