Apr 232007
1948 Chevy Woody Comes Back to Life
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Hard as it may be to believe, it was once possible to buy an automobile whose body was made substantially out of wood. Yes, those old cars were known as Woodies, and today surviving specimens are both rare and priceless. Sean Headrick, an Atlanta-area woodworker, is currently restoring the wooden bodywork on a dilapidated old […]

Apr 202007
A Trip to Leigh Industries
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I just returned from a trip out to the rainy Canadian Pacific coast. Leigh Industries invited us out to their factory in Port Coquitlam, British Colombia for a new product announcement. Ken, Matt and Barry showed us the factory, demonstrated some products and told us about new tools on the way. Here are some pictures […]

Apr 182007
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I ran across this article on CNN earlier this week. It’s worthwhile reading for every hobbyist woodworker. Basically, nail gun accidents are way up, but only among home users. Be careful in your shop! CNN on nailguns in the shop.

Apr 162007
Three Ways to Resaw
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As with any job, there's usually more than one way to do it. Instead of learning a specific technique, it's better to understand the principles behind the task, so you can problem solve when things don't work out. Resawing is the same way. You learn one method only to find out it doesn't work today […]

Apr 112007
Women Woodworkers on the Rise in Atlanta
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Although men have historically dominated the craft of woodworking, half of all new woodworking hobbyists are women, according to recently published reports. Highland Woodworking, formerly known as Highland Hardware, has taught woodworking classes in Atlanta for the past 30 years. Popularity among women has increased to the extent that it now offers classes specifically for […]

Apr 102007
Festool has arrived!
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We are happy to announce that Festool has arrived in our store. Come by anytime to see the tools! In the world of professional power tools, Festool is arguably the best. If we could engineer the highest quality tools with every conceivable feature and without limitations, the result would be Festool. Superb design and meticulous […]