After hearing of James Krenov’s death, I looked for and found the plane I had bought from him last year. I thought he had put the blue masking tape around the throat and blade simply to keep the pieces in place for shipping, and I debated whether to take the tape off. Finally I did take it off and lo and behold, the throat was full of the most beautifully delicate shavings. Shavings put there by the master. I left them there and I don’t know if I will ever take them out.
Oct 252009
Oct 092009
Kari Hultman over at The Village Carpenter, my other favorite blogger, (besides me of course, who’d you think?) posted pictures of her woodworking library the other day. She has quite a collection of books, more than I do, I’m afraid, but with her kind permission, I stole her idea. Here are my books:
Oct 072009
Sep 222009
Sep 102009
Aug 232009
The trick to picking up a heavy sheet with a Gorilla Gripper is to get your hand under the Gorilla handle and fold your arm under the load while you bend your knees, and then straighten your legs to lift the material. Your hand ends up at your shoulder and the heavy sheet hangs comfortably by your side so you can walk with it.
Aug 162009