I regularly visit with the customers who attend our Lie-Nielsen events around the country. We have a wide range of attendees, from the well-seasoned woodworker checking if we’ve released a new tool (so they can keep their sets complete) to the new woodworker. We often hear the same question from this latter group: “What is the first plane I […]
This is the final post in a six-part series – to go back to the first entry in the series, click here. If you just want to go back to the most recent entry, click here. I have built a Windsor Chair. I still don’t believe that I have any right to claim those words, yet here is […]
Long-time customer Tom Schmitt shares some personal musings on working in the shop while taking into consideration life changes that affect our working ways. A local neighborhood resident, Tom often graces the aisles of Highland Woodworking in search of tools needed to maintain his guitar building habit and for simple, friendly conversation about woodworking dilemmas, […]
The Highland Wood News has recently introduced a new monthly column, by popular demand. It seems there are quite a few woodcarvers in our ranks, and we’d like to give them a little more attention on the pages of Wood News. So we’ve started the Show Us Your Carving column, in which a different woodcarver’s […]
Terry Chapman attended Peter Galbert’s Windsor Chair class last year, and he had a ball. Today we are taking a look back at the writing he did for our blog that week, in anticipation of the new week-long class that Peter is offering at Highland this year starting October 31st. This year’s class features a […]
Highland Woodworking is pleased to introduce you to Curtis Turner, our newest contributing writer to The Highland Woodturner. Even though he has been a “Turner” his entire life, he knew turning was a skill that required the guidance of a master to develop it fully. He worked closely with an experienced turner, who helped him […]
This is the fifth post in a series – to go back to the first entry in the series, click here. If you just want to go back to the most recent entry, click here. Here is where I realize why it is good to learn about wood fundamentals when starting out in woodworking, and why experience really […]