Mar 032014
March Lie Nielsen Tool of the Month: The Froe
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This month I’ll talk about both sizes of the Lie-Nielsen Froes. Now, some tools are extremely commonplace, as in it seems like many of us came out of the womb knowing what they are, like a hammer, a chisel, or a screwdriver. On the other side of the coin are tools that seem to have had a bit more limited […]

Feb 282014
Follow Friday: Carving and Woodturning with Don Schneider and Paul Bucca
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Today, we’re featuring two more woodworkers for Follow Friday and they are Don Schneider (Carving) and Paul Bucca (Woodturning). Carving: Don Schneider Don Schneider is a woodworker living in the northern woods of Havana, FL. He first got interested in carving after he used only an exacto knife and two wood files to carve a […]

Feb 212014
Follow Friday x2
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Today, we’re giving you not one, but TWO Follow Friday’s! Every month we feature several woodworkers within our online publications, Wood News Online and The Highland Woodworker, where they each have a column devoted to a woodworking specialty. These specialties include Shop Design, Woodworking, Carving, and Turning. Want us to showcase your own shop or […]

Feb 182014
Just released: The February 2014 Issue of The Highland Woodturner
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This month we have another great issue of The Highland Woodturner, our online publication dedicated solely to woodturning. If you aren’t currently subscribed to The Highland Woodturner, you can easily do so HERE, and you will only receive our monthly publication, no sale gimmicks or anything else! Issue #35 includes: A Visit to the Kansas […]

Feb 132014
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This will sound like a commercial and in a way it is, but I think it should be told. My kids are now parents of our grandchildren who are out in the world working, going to college, and the youngest is in High School.  At Christmas time we send checks to all of them so […]

Feb 112014
New issue of Wood News Online-February 2014
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Our February issue of Wood News Online just came out! As always, we have multiple monthly features that show off the work of woodworkers around the country (and even the world sometimes). Wood News also gives woodworkers the opportunity to get their own tips and tricks out to the woodworking world. This month’s special features […]

Jan 242014
Follow Friday: Windsor Chairmaker Greg Pennington
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Today we are dedicating #FollowFriday to woodworker, Greg Pennington, who we recently featured in our Show Us Your Shop column in the January 2014 issue of Wood News Online. You may know Greg if you have taken any windsor chair building classes with Peter Galbert or Curtis Buchanan, both of whom he assists. When he […]