May 012014
The Bayou Giveth and the Bayou Taketh Away, by Jim Randolph
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Regular readers of Tips From The Sticks-In-The-Mud Woodshop know that my wife and I live on a bayou in south Mississippi and my woodshop is in the lower level of our home.  One doesn’t live on a watershed waterway for very long before he learns that, in addition to the blessings, there are challenges.  For one, don’t […]

Apr 242014
Lie-Nielsen - Tormek Sweepstakes
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We’re giving away some tools! Since we love the craft of fine woodworking, we want to share the love with our customers. To do this, Highland Woodworking is giving away 3 of our most popular Lie-Nielsen tools, plus the highly-rated Tormek T-7 Wet Grinder Sharpening System to one lucky customer. Lie Nielsen – Tormek Giveaway […]

Apr 222014
Celebrating Earth Day with Some Environmentally Friendly Finishing Tips!
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Today, April 22nd, 2014, is Earth Day, a globally recognized day of support for environmental protection. As woodworkers, there are many ways in which we can help contribute to environmental awareness, and one of these ways is how we use and recycle wood finishes. Alan Noel shares his environment-saving (and money-saving) finishing tips in this […]

Apr 042014
The April 2014 Issue of Wood News Online
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Our newest issue of Wood News is now online! Our April 2014 issue (#104) is filled with some great shop tours, project ideas, and tools. Special features this month include: An “off-the-grid” woodworking shop in Hawaii amongst a whole bunch of avocado trees and other crops. John App shares how he maintains his woodworking shop […]