Oct 022014
Check out the October 2014 issue of Wood News Online
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We just released our October issue of Wood News Online, full of some great woodworking project ideas, tips, and stories. This month’s issue includes: Our ‘Show Us’ series featuring woodworking shops, woodworking projects, and carving projects of our readers: Show Us Your Shop – David Lane’s beautiful stand-alone shop in Old Lyme, CT. Show Us Your […]

Oct 012014
Nail Polish and Coat Hangers: October Tips from Sticks in the Mud Workshop
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Welcome to “Tips From Sticks-In-The-Mud Woodshop.” I am a hobbyist, not a professional, someone who loves woodworking, just like you do. I have found some better ways to accomplish tasks in the workshop and look forward to sharing those with you each month, as well as hearing your problem-solving ideas. Tip #1: RED NAIL POLISH Everyone […]

Sep 292014
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For this month’s Wood News Online we received the following Ask the Staff question from D. Grover: I recently acquired a Pfeil bowl adze, which needs sharpening.  I am at a loss in figuring out how to accomplish this and what type of honing stones, etc. to use.  With the size, inside bevel and the […]

Sep 242014
Back to the Workshop: Curtis Turner
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This is the time of year many woodturners dust off the lathe and gear up for their winter activities. While it’s not even close to fall in Texas, I recently began the process of cleaning up my shop. Fortunately, I do this sporadically throughout the year. This tends to make this job a little less daunting. This […]