Dec 082015
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In my experience, fear of failure is the biggest obstacle to being creative or productive in my woodshop. It’s certainly not a lack of tools; I’ve got plenty of those. Nor is it a dearth of ideas; I’m literally bursting with them as well. What slows me down most, and sometimes stops me dead in […]

Dec 022015
Tips from Sticks in the Mud – December Tip #2 – Dust Extractor Hose Management
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No Southern-fried Southern boy wants to be called a Yankee, but we share the characteristics of shrewdness and thrift.  Thus, each month we include a money-saving tip.  It’s OK if you call me “cheap.”   We’ve previously discussed an inexpensive way to keep one’s dust extractor hose and power cord above the project, allowing maximum […]

Dec 012015
Tips from Sticks in the Mud – December Tip #1- The Value of Festool
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“There you go again, Jim Randolph.  You keep trying to make us believe you’re a cheapskate, then you admit you paid hundreds for Bose Noise-Cancelling headphones.  Now you’re going to tell us you’ve bought that high-priced Festool stuff, too?  We may have to come take away your membership card to the Cheapskates’ Club.” I’ve said before, […]

Nov 272015
...On becoming a Furniture Maker
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Let me introduce myself:  “I am not a furniture maker…. yet.” What I am though is very determined (stubborn) and passionate about becoming one. I am a normal person with a full-time day job in IT, but who has had an interest in quality, handmade, solid wood furniture for the last 20 years. I have […]

Nov 222015
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As Christmas rolls around, woodworkers’ loved ones often worry about what to get their favorite woodworker. To help ease that struggle, here is a list of what I feel are the absolute essentials for any woodworker. You can confidently take this list into any woodworking store or website and leave with a gift any woodworker […]