May 102013
Follow Friday: WinterHawk
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We’ve made it to Friday! Today’s #FollowFriday is WinterHawk, who was featured in our May 2013 Wood News Show Us Your Shop column. WinterHawk lives and has his shop in the country woods of Templeton, PA, about 40 miles north of Pittsburgh. WinterHawk specializes in creating Native American Style Flutes. He became inspired to start making […]

May 072013
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We try to keep up with a lot of woodworking blogs here at Highland, and one of our favorites is Chris Schwartz’s blog over on the Popular Woodworking website, where he recently discussed the use of toothbrushes in Canadian woodworking and how they are used a bit differently than in the US. To sum it […]

May 032013
Follow Friday: Chris Adkins of High Rock Woodworking and Modern Woodworkers Association
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Today’s Follow Friday is Chris Adkins, someone you may already be familiar with, who has recently become a large presence in today’s woodworking community. Along with Dyami Plotke and Tom Iovino, Chris has helped bring a new following to woodworking as a founder of the Modern Woodworkers Association, an online community founded in 2010. The MWA was started “as […]

May 012013
The Down to Earth Woodworker: Some Thoughts for Woodworking Safety Day
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Killing Me Slowly By Steve Johnson This is Woodworking Safety Day (formerly Woodworking Safety Week). It is also National Nurse Appreciation Week (I really hope that was pure coincidence!), Senior Corps Week, National Teacher Appreciation Week, International Compost Awareness Week (really?), and National Travel and Tourism Week. Regardless the competition, if the heightened awareness brought […]

Apr 302013
A Lesson from the Woodwright himself, Roy Underhill
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In addition to doing demonstrations for the Highland Woodworking 35th Anniversary One-Day Sale this past Saturday, Roy Underhill stuck around on Sunday to teach a day-long demonstration workshop on building a standing desk (pictured left). While the actual process of creating this desk from start to finish would take much longer than the allotted time […]

Apr 292013
35th Anniversary Celebration Wrap-Up
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Highland Woodworking had a wonderful turnout for our 35th Anniversary Celebration and One-Day Sale this weekend. We were excited to have our special guest, Roy Underhill, in the store on Saturday doing demonstrations of a variety of hand-tools, both old and new. In addition, we had representatives from Carter Products and Festool doing demonstrations throughout the day, […]

Apr 262013
Roy Underhill: Moment With A Master
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I’m not sure how many readers were in attendance at Woodworking In America 2010, but whenever Roy Underhill is mentioned in any sort of conversation these days, I always think back to this picture of one of his classes that weekend and how entertaining he was in his demonstrations. Roy has been well-known in the […]