Sep 112013
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Just in time for the start of the woodworking season, we’ve got a brand new episode of The Highland Woodworker! In the 8th episode, Charles Brock spends some time with Master Furniture Restorer, Alan Noel, to unlock the mysteries behind wooden antiques by looking at the way they were crafted as well as finishing techniques. […]

Sep 062013
Follow Friday: Preston Woodruff
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A brand new Wood News has just been released and with that comes a new round of Follow Fridays! This week we are following Preston Woodruff, who we featured in this month’s Show Us Your Woodcarving column. Preston lives up in the Appalachian mountains of Brevard, NC, where he owns his own woodworking company, Appalachian […]

Sep 042013
September Lie Nielsen Tool of the Month: The Mortising Chisels
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This month I’m taking a closer look at Lie-Nielsen’s Mortising Chisels. While most woodworkers, and even many non-woodworkers, will quickly recognize a basic chisel like the bevel-edged style, the mortising chisel looks a little different. So what’s different about the mortising chisels compared to the bevel edged chisels that are more common? The shape of a Lie-Nielsen mortising chisel […]

Sep 032013
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What did you do this summer in your shop? Steve Johnson aka The Down to Earth Woodworker has been working away at designing and building a mobile sanding center, in hopes of making the dreaded chore of sanding a bit more enjoyable. Steve documented the whole build in the videos below, finally all gathered in […]

Aug 302013
Follow Friday: Carl Lehman
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Today’s #FollowFriday is Carl Lehman from Tecumseh, Ontario, who we featured in our Show Us Your Woodcarving section of our August 2013 issue of Wood News. Carl was a unique “Show Us” submission by submitting his story and photos through our Highland Woodworking Facebook Page. Carl’s most recent projects were the construction of 3 motorcycle rocking […]

Aug 292013
The Down to Earth Woodworker - Good Vibrations
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The only context in which there are “good” vibrations may be in the Beach Boys’ song. For woodworkers, and in fact, tool users of any kind, there are only “bad” vibrations. Tool vibration can cause discomfort and potential long-term damage (look up Raynaud’s Phenomenon for more information). The human hand and arm is most sensitive […]