Quite often we receive questions from customers prefaced by “Please don’t tell anyone I asked you this, but…” or “I’m embarrassed to admit I don’t know this, but…” or “I’ve been woodworking since high school shop class, but I don’t know…”
So we've decided to address several of those nagging little questions that you just can’t bring yourself to ask your woodworking buddies.
What exactly is a board foot and how do I determine the number of board feet in a piece of wood?
What is the difference between Flat Top, ATB, and Combination tooth saw blades and which kind should I use?
I know what a dovetail joint is, but what is a half-blind or blind dovetail?
What is the "Golden Ratio"? Why is it referred to so much in woodworking and furniture design?
Almost every article I read about sharpening refers to “Scary Sharp”? What the heck does that mean?
What finish should I use on children’s toys?
Visit Highland Woodworking for more questions AND the answers.