Feb 282014
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Today, we’re featuring two more woodworkers for Follow Friday and they are Don Schneider (Carving) and Paul Bucca (Woodturning).

Carving: Don Schneider

Don Schneider is a woodworker living in the northern woods of Havana, FL. He first got interested in carving after he used only an exacto knife and two wood files to carve a claw and ball foot, and was able to teach himself all of the carving techniques he needed to turn it into a regular hobby.

Don’s main focus in woodcarving is bas-relief carving, which he often does in a surrealist style. Another one of his carving interests is ornate masks. You can see several of his pieces below.





You can read more about Don and see more of his carving in his Show Us Your Carving section of our February issue of Wood News Online.

Woodturning: Paul Bucca

Paul Bucca is a former Oceanographer who now enjoys creating segmented bowl turnings. Over the past 9 years that he has been turning, his segmented bowls have been getting more and more elaborate as he has gained skills in marquetry, and better tools.

One of his biggest pieces was featured in the Show Us Your Woodturning section of our February issue of The Highland Woodturner. The turning consists of 685 pieces making up two hemispheres that were finished and mated together to create a beautiful and elaborate porthole bowl seen below:


Fridays on the Highland Woodworking Blog are dedicated to #FollowFriday, where we use this space to further highlight a woodworker or turner who we have featured in our monthly e-publications Wood News and The Highland WoodturnerWould you like for your shop or woodworking to appear in our publications? We invite you to SEND US PHOTOS of your shop or work along with captions and a brief history and description of your woodworking (Email photos at 800×600 resolution.) Receive a $50 store credit redeemable towards merchandise if we show your shop in a future issue.

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