Jan 022014
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resolutions2012Happy New Years from Highland Woodworking!

A few of our blog contributors have come up with their 2014 New Years Resolutions with regards to their woodworking (and some personal ones as well). Today, we’ve got Highland Woodturner contributor, Curtis Turner’s resolutions:

1.      Cut the logs in my shop into more manageable blanks.  I’ll save more time if I commit to cutting up many blanks at one time instead of doing it on a piece by piece basis.  Plus, I will free up more space for more logs!

2.      Throw out the old CA glue.  I can’t save it hoping it will reverse the aging process and become useful.   There’s no point in using old glue.  The “out of date” glue will not adhere at its normal strength.  Or not cure at all leaving more work to remove the old glue and start over.

3.      Turn a small stool with through wedged tenons in the seat.

4.      Commit to attending more club meetings.  I really enjoy them and learn so much.  This was my worst year for attendance.  We had lots of good things happening this year that kept me extra busy.

5.      Clean up the shop!!!!

Curtis was the 2012 President of Central Texas Woodturners, a member of the American Association of Woodturners, and a member of Fine Woodworkers of Austin. Curtis teaches and demonstrates nationally for Lie-Nielsen Toolworks. He also owns a studio where he teaches and works. Curtis lives and works in Central Texas with his wife and four young children. Take a look at his website at www.curtisturnerstudio.com

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