Feb 042012
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Saturday, Feb. 4 is the final day of Highland’s Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event at our store in midtown Atlanta. Here are some photos taken on Friday of the exquisite hand tools being demonstrated that you can try out for yourself today. Come on in. ADMISSION IS FREE!

Exquisite Brese hand planes

Exquisite Brese hand planes

Brese bench planes

Brese bench planes

Lie-NIelsen bench planes

Lie-NIelsen bench planes

Lie-Nielsen shoulder planes

Lie-Nielsen shoulder planes

Lie-Nielsen planes

Lie-Nielsen specialty planes

Lie-Nielsen block planes

Lie-Nielsen block planes

Lie-Nielsen dovetail and tenon saws

Lie-Nielsen dovetail and tenon saws

Lie-Nielsen card scrapers

Lie-Nielsen card scrapers

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